Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a careful cleaning of the root surfaces to remove plaque and calculus [tartar] from deep periodontal pockets and to smooth the tooth root to remove bacterial toxins. This procedure is more intensive than a routine general dentist prophylaxis, or cleaning, which traditionally occurs every six months.
For comfort, your periodontist or dental hygienist may numb the area prior to treatment. Research has consistently demonstrated that scaling and root planing reduces gingival inflammation and probing depths, and shifts the bacterial composition living in these pockets from one that is associated with disease toward one associated with health. Therefore, scaling and root planing is usually the first mode of treatment recommended for most periodontal patients. In some cases, systemic antibiotics (usually antibiotic pills) are prescribed to follow scaling and root planing procedures. Antibiotics are drugs that fight infections caused by the bacteria.
Most periodontists would agree that after scaling and root planing, many patients do not require any further active treatment. It is important to remember however that some patients may not respond optimally to scaling and root planing, with or without antibiotics. These patients often respond favorably to advanced periodontal procedures such as regeneration and pocket reduction surgery.
Regardless, the majority of patients will require ongoing maintenance therapy to sustain health.